Packaging Automation remains fully operational. From the beginning of this pandemic, our priority has been and remains the health, safety and well-being of our employees, customer, partners and the communities we work within.
The government has provided and reinforced guidance that every effort should be made across society to minimise social contact, follow strict hygiene rules and work from home where possible in order to slow the spread or COVID-19. As a Company, our response to this guidance is to continually review, adapt and change the way we operate internally to keep our business working as close to normal as possible. This means that we can keep our employees safe and limit any impact on our customers.
In the light of and revised government guidance and supporting information from MakeUK and in consultation with our teams, we have re-assessed and renewed our workplace risk assessment. This has resulted in the enhancement of our existing control measures to reinforce social distancing and stringent hygiene procedures and provide even greater protection for the health and well-being of our team.
We will continue to keep our procedures under review and to respond promptly to changes in guidance in order to maintain our safe working environment.
We are delighted to confirm that we satisfy the 5 steps outlined by the government and have completed our declaration that we are staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020. A copy of the signed declaration document can be found here.
